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How to ensure a successful future for your child


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For every loving parent, nothing is more important than his own child. We try to give our child the best since childhood, and there is essentially nothing wrong with that. It is another thing that many parents spoil their children, or as they say in a well-known proverb, too good is too bad. So how not to cross this fine line between what is good for the child and what is harmful? In this article we will analyze the main tasks for parents to raise their children.


Task #1 Healthy  nutrition for the child.


We are going to talk about the candies, sodas, chocolate, ice cream, biscuits and others that we eat every day. Many of us have dreamed since childhood of being able to buy sweets, cakes, ice cream, cookies, chocolates, fruit juice for life when they grow up and earn their own money. So I asked myself why adults do not do that. Of course, as we get older, we realize that excessive sugar consumption leads to many illnesses, such as obesity, diabetes, clogged blood vessels, strokes and even heart attacks. Obviously, no parent would wish their child such a future.

To avoid such harmful consequences and to ensure that the growing body of your child still has enough glucose, instead of sweetened soft drinks and purchased juices, sweetened fruit and dried fruit compotes or low-concentration tea can be used. Choose cookies made with oatmeal or buckwheat flour. Replace chocolate bars with dried fruit and nuts. Be sure to offer your child fermented milk products as well as fruits and vegetables in the summer.


Task #2  An active lifestyle for a child


Good nutrition is best when combined with an active lifestyle. First of all, this means your child will be constantly busy and won't have time to do anything stupid. Second, by combining good nutrition with an active lifestyle, you are giving your child the foundation for good health and endurance. 

For your child to have an active lifestyle, there is no need to involve them in high-risk or contact sports. Just motivate your child in the morning and show them how to ride a bike, rollerblade, skateboard or scooter. Although it is more effective to give a child sports lessons for his physical and sometimes even moral and spiritual development. For example, oriental martial arts classes for boys and girls are not only a great source of physical education, but they also instill respect for elders, the notion of subordination, as well as a number of other principles that will serve the child well into adulthood. 



Task #3 Education of a child


The question of the approach to child education is particularly important for each parent. Between the ages of 9 and 18, a child is able to perceive 20% more information per day than the average 30-year-old adult. It is therefore necessary to make the best value of this age in order to convey useful information to the child and to develop his or her mental and creative capacities.

It may seem to many of you that your child is too tired at school, but is it really so? On the other hand, has anyone in the world done enough extensive research on how the mental strain on school-age children works? The answer to that question is yes.

In 1994 in the USA, Mike Feinberg and Dave Levine founded the KIPP school. KIPP stands for "Knowledge Is Power Program" and translates as "Knowledge Is Power Program". There are currently over 50 such schools in the United States. These schools are mostly attended by children from poor families, but it is surprising that about 90% of KIPP graduates go to higher schools and 80% of them go to colleges. Among all the other features of these schools, it is worth highlighting their attitude towards length of study.


The founders have long noticed that children who are behind in their studies have one problem: they are not learning enough. That is why classes in KIPP schools start at 07:25. Until 07:55 there is a compulsory thinking development session. English and Mathematics are 90 minutes a day, except for Grade 5, where two hours a day are devoted to maths. An hour for science, an hour for social studies, an hour for music and in addition to the full hour of fifteen minutes of orchestra play, which is also mandatory for all students. The school day lasts from 07:25 to 19:00.

The founders have since long identified that children who are behind in their studies have a problem: they don't learn enough. That's why classes in KIPP schools start at 7:25 am. Until 7:55 am, there is a mandatory thought development session. English and mathematics classes last 90 minutes a day, except in fifth grade, where two hours a day are devoted to mathematics. There is one hour for science, one hour for social studies, one hour for music and in addition to the fifteen-minute orchestral playing session, which is also compulsory for all students. The school day lasts from 7:25 am. to 7:00 pm.


Now let's look at our schools. The school day here starts at 08:00 or 08:30 depending on the Swiss canton, and the last lesson ends at 16:00 the latest. So what does the rest of your free time do for your child? It is for this purpose that the Junior Computer Academy was established, classes here begin at 09:00 and end at 12:00 in the morning and at 16:00 till 19:00 in the evening on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Children learn basic programming, photography, graphics, robotics and much more. We often hear from our students that they like to study with us more than at school. Using the example of KIPP schools, we have seen for ourselves that a longer course of study during the day does indeed improve the overall performance of children in the main school subjects, and the process of learning can be carried out easily and without constraint. Children usually ask their parents to take them to the Academy as soon as possible.


Task #4 Prepare a child for adulthood.


The process of preparing a child for adulthood can only happen successfully if the right approach is taken. The preparation of the child must take place from an early age. Then, if it is extended over time, it will run more smoothly than trying to force a child who has become an adult to make independent decisions and to take full responsibility for them.


How do you do it?


It is best to start by telling enriching stories from your own life and reading fairy tales from the age of 3 to 5. Through fairy tales and your stories, your child will be able to acquire, in a form that is accessible to him or her, his or her own knowledge about the life situations he or she will encounter as an adult.

When the child reaches the age of 5, if the parents have hobbies, such as fishing, hiking, football, crafts or philately, then it is time to start getting your child used to your passion. It may not be the hobby he or she will adopt, but a child from a very young age will be aware that in life you have to find time for what he or she likes.

After 8-9 years, you can gradually introduce your child to socially useful work and earning money. For example, you can feed homeless animals, bake and sell cookies, make and sell ice cream, distribute newspapers and leaflets. The most important thing is that the child understands how to earn money and becomes familiar with the role of the seller, not the buyer, and gains valuable life experience.

At a later age, it should be remembered that a child's lifestyle is not entirely financed by his or her own money. After all, as an adult, no one will simply offer you their money. To do this, the client must perceive the benefits. In this case, the best solution is to explain and tell your child how to earn money to support himself or herself.






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